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Teacher Services
Our goal in the Library Media Center (LMC) is to provide an environment for academic and leisure study. By providing a quiet environment with print and electronic resources that are well rounded, we allow groups to work together but not impede on the independent study of others.
Media services provide instruction of students in the effective use of technology, identification, and evaluation of appropriate and reliable information sources and selection of curriculum- support print materials and electronic resources.
We focus on 21st Century Skills and Ohio’s Library Content Standards-
A- Information Literacy
B- Technology Literacy
C- Media Literacy
Please look to our Student Library Media Services newsletter for basic user information including:
- Students Visiting the LMC
- Book/Card Catalog information
- New Book Displays
- Accessing our Collection
- Newspapers
- Magazines
- Videos
- Vertical Files
- Student Resource Area
- Computer Resources
- Study Hall Info
- Please look to our monthly newsletter “Bookends” for updates.
The LMC is available for your use. You may schedule your classes for circulation, to do research, to work on a project, a meeting or for a guest speaker’s visit. The library and computer lab have a network printer in the LMC. There is no aide in the computer lab; teachers who sign classes up must be present at all times. Schedule your class ahead of time and we’ll discuss your plans for a successful project. Another option is scheduling the LMC and the computer lab so your class can be in both, with the teacher and me moving back and forth between the lab and LMC. To reserve the LMC, computer lab, or any of the media you may come to the LMC, email me at or phone me at 4120 or 4220 with your request, and I will confirm. All sign ups need to be done at least one day in advance, but the sooner the better. View our schedule here on the website under Calendar/Schedule.
When you come in to schedule any of the computer labs please bring the number of students you have in your classes. Currently we have:
Downstairs computer lab (CL) 29 student computers + 1 computer at the teacher desk
Library Media Center (LMC)6 student computers, library checkout and meeting area
And major media such as smartboards (SB), and responders (R).
It may be a little confusing to you but just ask if you need assistance. It is important when scheduling that I can see them all at once. Check our online calendar for additional openings and remember
7am= common plan
8am= 1st
9am= 2nd
10am= 3rd
11am= 4th
12pm= 5th
1pm= 6th
2pm= 7th
3pm= after school
The Evernote clipper is on Chrome and Explorer.
If you are having trouble with the Smartboard the first troubleshooting step is to restart the laptop once everything is plugged in. There are 3 settings in regards to viewing. Pressing Function F3 will allow you to 1- see the screen on the laptop only, 2- see the screen on the laptop and the Smartboard or 3- see the projection on the Smartboard only.
If you are looking for Smartboard lessons:
- A class set of Inexcusable by Chris Lynch
- Professional development books and classroom support materials
- College catalogs on CD
- Videos in our catalog
- 2 FLIP camcorders
- A tripod
Infocus Machines
Projector Bulbs
Most projector bulbs have a lamp life of about 2000 hours.
- Never ignore a blinking light! Let me know as soon as it happens! It could be that your projector is overheating (which could cause the bulb to explode) or that your lamp is at the end of its life. Let me know as soon as it happens!
- Every so often, check to see how many hours you have used of your bulb. This can usually be accessed under the menu option of your projector. Let me know if you need help finding your lamp usage. Remember, most bulbs have a lamp life of 2000 hours. If you are nearing that number, let me know.
- Make sure your projector does not become overheated. Clean your filter at least every 2 months & make sure there is enough clearance near the exhaust vents.
- Allow the projector's fan to run after you power down & before you unplug it.
- Once you turn your projector off, wait one hour before restarting it. The bulb should be cold when the projector is started or too much voltage in the heat-up cycle could shorten the bulb's life over time.
- Do not move your projector when it is on.
All AM/PM announcements may be placed in the office or emailed to me.
Remember that I leave the LMC at 2:30 to go over and review them so do not send students down who can not complete their business and leave before 2:30 pm.
Assigning Work
If students are assigned class work that will require them to use the LMC on their own time let me know for two reasons. First, I can make sure they have first priority in study hall to come to the LMC. Second, I can also prepare web sites and our applicable material.
Sending Students from the Classroom
If you are sending students to the Library Media Center (LMC) during your class, you must sign and time his/her agenda book on the day page. You may write important information on that page or call (ex. Taking a test, using notes etc). The students do not inform me that they are taking tests or cannot work together on assignments. If you know you are sending a large group it must be scheduled ahead of time.
If you send a student to get materials for you from the LMC, remind them they need to be checked out to you. If a book is just “borrowed” the computer tells students those books are on the shelf. This will help us provide more accurate service to all our patrons.
Your student aides should be with you the majority of the time. I should not end up with your aide in the library more than you use them in your room. If this becomes the case please return them to study hall so they have the same opportunity as the other students to come the library.
Topics and Book Talks
I would love to have your classroom visit and share any related materials on the topic you are covering. We could pull books by the same author, time period or genre you are studying or books especially interesting to those who enjoy those subjects. Some topics I have taught lessons on in the past include plagiarism, research skills, and search engines.
Suggesting Materials for Purchase
Anytime you have information on available materials that would be useful in your classrooms, please let me know. I can order books, CDRoms, videos, or alternative media that will be available to you and your students in the LMC. Please keep me informed about projects and new topics you cover.
Anytime you need book or audiovisual catalogs I keep a supply in the LMC.
Alternative Media
The LMC has a variety of alternative media:
- SmartBoards
- In Focus machines
- rolling TVs/ VCRs/DVD
- extension cords
- overhead projectors/ supplies
- carts
- cassette players
- radio/ CD player
- record players
- digital cameras
- tripod
- various board games
- PS2 various games
- rolling dry erase board
- Film projectors
- book ends
- power strips
If ever you find a student dealing with issues you think a book might help console or inform let me help locate some materials for you. Cancer, death, isolation, friendship, abuse and divorce are just a few issues dealt with in literature.
Student Orientation
Freshmen do a research project orientation. If you feel you would like your students to be refreshed before a project or given specific training, please ask. Internet and searching skills may be something upperclassmen need refreshed on before starting a project.
Other Resources
- The username and password for INFOhio's Core Collection of Electronic Resources is available in the LMC.
- Within INFOhio is
- Through INFOhio you can create a username and password and access practice tests and other materials listed under categories such as reading comprehension improvement, writing, vocabulary, grammar, college prep, ACT/SAT prep, practice AP tests.
- Also in INFOhio is …
- The INFOhio 21st Century Learning Commons includes opportunities to earn credit and CEU’s. Help your faculty learn how to integrate the 4C’s (critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration and creativity) into instruction. Encourage faculty and administrators to join the INFOhio 21st Century Learning Commons and complete the 21 Essential Things for 21st Century Learning modules.
- To start your learning go to .
- Click on Get Started. Watch the introductory flash tutorial. Then register for various credit options from free contact hour information to college credit!
- Also in INFOhio…
- For research project guides. Students can follow the steps listed, ASK, ACT, and ACHIEVE!
If you keep me informed of your classroom topics, I will keep you informed of relevant web sites. I am part of a news group of library media specialists all over the world. This group sends out reliable website addresses, as well as other information.
- Livemocha offers basic instructional tutorials and exercises in some 30 different languages, but the service's real value is in its community. Livemocha has assembled more than 6 million members, each listing fluency and linguistic skills.
- BOOK TRAILERS FOR ALL is a main site with more than 120 book trailers, created by teachers, librarians and students are available for download. The trailers are arranged into interest level folders. There is also a documents folder with information about creating trailers, as well as detailed info on each trailer that’s available.
- LEARN360 is a website with video databases and other teacher resources. You can create your own Playlist of videos, upload/ create/ share/ organize user related content. There is also a section to create a blog, create quizzes, assignments and organize your calendar. Your user name is firstname.lastname.
- This site has study guides for Plays, Novels, Poems, Essays and Definitions. Each study guide includes plot summary, characters, themes, history, etc.
- With a database of some 1,200 documents, photographs, drawings, maps, and other materials and a keywording system that visually links records, the Digital Vaults enables visitors to customize their experience and to create posters, movies, and games that can be shared by e-mail. Each record in Digital Vaults is also linked to the National Archives' Archival Research Catalog (ARC), so visitors who want to know more can take the first steps toward a research journey into the National Archives.
You can browse through the hundreds of photographs, documents, and film clips and discover the connection.
- Allows you to create screen captures and screencasts.
- Visit this site to apply for a free ning site that allows you to create a closed social network and moderate it.
- Wondering how to better integrate the nonfiction reading standard across the curriculum? The link takes you to USA Today's page that sorts news articles on broad topics such as Business, Arts and Humanities, First Year Experience, Health and Science, and Political Science.
- There are case studies with reporter commentary.
Outstanding Books for Lifelong Learners
Free pamphlets are available in the LMC listing commonly recommended books.
Miscellaneous Info
Overhead Bulbs
If your overhead projector bulb burns out I have put an extra bulb in each classroom overhead. Inform me if you use your extra bulb so I can replace it by the next day.
DO NOT UNLOCK MY DOOR when we are not in the LMC. Students may not be left unattended.
Testing Students
Teachers may bring or send students to the LMC to make up tests. If you would like to leave the tests with me at the beginning of the day for subsequent periods I will distribute them to the students when they sign in from your class and be sure they are seated separately. They can also turn them in to me before they leave, and I will return them to you.
Staff Book Group
If you are interested in the Staff Book Group, we meet once every six weeks in someone’s home to discuss a book previously chosen. We also eat lots of good food!
WCET Television has a catalog in print and online at
They also have resources available at The Learning Services newsletter is mailed 3 times each school year and highlights their services and programs. I am their contact person if you have any questions.
If a television is not receiving channels use the following instructions:
- On your remote control hit the MENU key.
- Use the arrows on your remote to scroll down until you reach AUTO- TUNE.
- Make sure that the word CABLE is highlighted.
- Scroll down to START and press the arrow to the right.
- After AUTO-TUNE is complete you should be able to change through channels.
***To view the picture on your computer monitor on your television- push input on your television remote
To play a video on cart 1:
- Plug in cart power cord to wall (TV VCR should be plugged into cart.
- Power on the television and VCR.
- Television should be on Channel 3.
- Press “Play.”
- On back of television the Video Cable should go in the “75 OHM” slot and go to the VCR’s “RF OUT” slot.
To play a video on cart 2:
- Plug television and VCR into wall.
- Power on the television and VCR.
- Television should display “VIDEO 1” (if not use television remote to press “INPUT” until “VIDEO 1” appears).
- Press play on VCR (should be on Channel 2).
- On back of television the Video Cable should go in the “VHF” slot and go to the VCR’s “VHS OUT TO TV” slot. The white cord should go in the television’s “AUDIO L” slot to the VCR’s “AUDIO OUT” slot. The yellow cord should go in the television’s “VIDEO INPUT 1” slot to the VCR’s “VIDEO OUT” slot.
To set up the InFocus machine:
- Attach electric cord to InFocus and electrical outlet.
- Attach VGA to Infocus and CPU.
- Attach monitor cord from monitor to InFocus.
To view pictures on the Power MacG4:
- Place Picture Disk in
- Click on CD
- Click on View Image
- Go to File>Export>Name (HP Users, Amy Johns Pictures or Football
- Format to JPEG
We have a DVD player you check out or you can schedule a DVD showing via the school wide network when a laptop is available.
On the laptop hit function 4 & 5. This kills the laptop screen and projects to the televisions.
Teacher Resource Area
When you enter the library to your left is a small area for teachers. It houses some materials we have for you. Information is posted for staff on the bulletin board that comes my way such as SWOEA, WCET, and A&E. It also has a desk that has telephone directories, Area Media guides, SOITA information, and catalogs. The Power Mac G4 with scanner and printer are also on the desk.
Southern Ohio Education Service District
Area Media Center
I am the contact person for our video distribution through the area media center. They provide a large variety of videos, laser disks, and 16 mm films. Your username for booking materials is first initial of you first name and full last name. Your password stays the same. If you have not used the system you will need to change the default password of ‘media’ to your own. A comprehensive list of materials is online at
There are links to the training materials, our new booking website and our online catalog. You can order on- line Mark will be here to pick up, and drop off supplies on Tuesdays and Thursdays about 9am. It is your responsibility to have your video in the library by 1st period the day it is due. If you do not turn it in on time, you may have to take it to the Wilmington office. Please keep track of your due date. The only way they can service eight districts is for everyone to follow procedures. If you need your supplies longer than anticipated, you can contact them by email or telephone and extend it the day before it is due. A library-media aide will distribute the materials to your room when they arrive.
Study Hall Monitors
The procedure for students visiting the library media center during their study hall is as follows.
- Wait for Mrs. Lovin to call. If the study hall is not called only those with a pass signed by the librarian BEFORE CLASS will be admitted.
- If it is clear for any student send up to 10 students. Students need their agenda books signed.
- If the students are returned to class Mrs. Lovin will phone or return them with a pass.
Thank you for taking the time to find out what your library media center has to offer. Please allow me to help you in any way I can.
All of the following can be found at
- Learning Express Library. College and career readiness tools are available for students to practice for standardized tests, including the SAT, ACT, GMAT, GRE, ASVAB, and the PRAXIS series. The Job & Career Accelerator lets students explore careers, create a resume, and develop interview strategies. Add to that skill building help for grades 3-12, and you have a resource you don't want to miss.
- IMatrix. What looks like a Rubix cube and helps you find Common Core classroom resources? INFOhio's IMatrix. The IMatrix helps you design inquiry-based instruction that aligns to content standards of the four core curriculum areas: ELA, math, science, and social studies. By searching the matrix by standard or by subject area and grade, you can see how skills are scaffolded for students, link to resources to teach those skills, and find interdisciplinary connections. Grades 6-8 are available now, while remaining grade levels will be added over the next year.
- GO! Ask, Act, Achieve. Helps 6th -10th graders work through a research project by breaking up a large project into smaller, more manageable steps.
- Each step links to useful resources, and a comprehensive Teacher's Guide helps you present research skills.
- eBook Collection. More than 1,200 public domain titles in multiple formats. More titles on Ohio school recommended reading lists are added every week. You will find Shakespeare, Dickens, Twain, Austen, Bronte, Lewis Carroll, key nonfiction, as well as primary sources such as all the State of the Union Addresses of all the presidents.
- Discovery Portal. Accessible through the INFOhio CAT and CAT Jr. library catalogs, the Discovery Portal gives students one-stop access to age-appropriate websites that support Ohio standards, to the Digital Video Collection, and to many INFOhio databases. And it's all searchable through one simple box.
- Digital Video Collection. Offers free access to more than 1,800 high-quality educational videos, 80 of which feature closed captioning. Titles support the standards in science, geography, Ohio history, and more. You can stream the videos, download them to view later, or embed them in your own web pages.
- Searchasaurus, World Book Kids, and Early World of Learning. Designed for pre-K through 3rd grade students, these tools offer narrated stories, interactive reading games, easy-to-read articles, leveled reading practice, Lexile searching, and teacher resources. They give children a great head start on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee.
- Research 4 Success (R4S). This online course prepares juniors and seniors for the rigorous research skills they need in college and careers. It also helps you deliver blended learning. It is still being developed. Look for it in late October.
- Lexiles. Text complexity is a key concept in the Common Core, and Lexile ratings are the starting point for analyzing text complexity. The INFOhio CAT and CAT Jr. catalogs both offer Lexile searching as do many of the online databases, including EBSCO and World Book products.
- Professional Development. You do a lot for your students. Take some time to recharge your own batteries with these online training tools you can use any time. INFOhio offers many webinars throughout the year and archives them all. The KBC is a free online community for Ohio educators that lets you share ideas with like-minded professionals around the state. The 21 Essential Things is an online study program that helps you learn to use many of the tools listed here. For example, Thing 5 addresses RSS feeds while Thing 21 gives you tips for using INFOhio's KBC and social media sites. You can work through as many of The 21 Essential things as you want for your own knowledge or for college credit.