INFOhio for All Levels
The username and password for INFOhio's Core Collection of Electronic Resources is available in the LMC. Once you obtain the password you can not publish it online.
Subpages- Resources such as the Youtube videos for overviews and tutorials
Tools explains the many parts of INFOhio
INFOhio is Ohio's PreK-12 digital library that offers a variety of content and services—most at no charge—to Ohio's 1.9 million PreK-12 students, their parents, and their teachers.
Our Vision
INFOhio transforms teaching and learning by connecting educational resources with the power of information technology.
Our Mission
INFOhio supports and enriches teaching and learning by providing equitable access to quality resources for Ohio's PreK-12 community of students, educators and parents. INFOhio's components include digital resources for schools, instructional development for teachers, and school library automation–all promoting information literacy and media literacy through of technology.
- Teach Learn Flyer
- Free electronic databases and I button
- Getting started guides
- Infohio tools
- Research for success
- Educator section- flyers to put username and password on
- Toolkit Curriculum toolbox
- Students
- iSearch
- Source tabs at the top
- iSearch teacher tutorial
- iSearch
INFOhio’s IMatrix (video tutorial) is designed to help educators practice inquiry-based instruction that aligns to skills embedded within the content standards of the four core curriculum areas, English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. By searching the matrix, educators can more easily see how skills are scaffolded for students and find resources that will help them teach those skills, find interdisciplinary connections, and help plan quality instruction.
The matrix focuses on Inquiry as a unifying instructional model that is common to all four content areas. Teachers are being asked to help students develop the critical skills of Inquiry. Within the IMatrix, these skills have been arranged into six key Dimensions of Inquiry . These include:
- Questioning
- Locating Information
- Evaluating Information
- Applying Information
- Sharing Knowledge
- Reflecting on Learning
INFOhio for the Elementary and Intermediate Level
From the Ohio Department of Education-
Did you know that children in early childhood programs have free access to early literacy resources through INFOhio, Ohio's PreK-12 online library? INFOhio provides resources for parents and teachers to help encourage reading with their child.
What Resources Do They Have?
You can access INFOhio at To find early literacy resources, click on the box for PreK-5. Beginning reader resources are found in the upper right-hand corner. Some of these resources are:
- World Book Kids is an encyclopedia with bright, colorful visuals, as well as activities, games, and printable activities.
- World Book Kids articles can be translated into 30 languages.
- Scholastic’s BookFlix has 125 paired fiction and nonfiction eBook titles, 34 of which are also available in Spanish.
- World Book’s Early World of Learning provides eBooks (some available in Spanish), an encyclopedia for young learners, and classic songs and nursery rhymes for young learners.
- BookFlix- pairs classic video storybooks with related nonfiction e-books.
To help parents encourage reading with their child, on the INFOhio Parent page, there are short videos on Reading for a Purpose, Reading on the Go and Reading on the Screen. These videos are accompanied by flyers that are in English and Spanish and support early literacy learning.
How Do I Access the Resources?
Each of these resources will request a username and password. Contact the high school librarian for the username and password for your district.
INFOhio for the Middle Level
- 6-8 Students and Parents Resources: iSearch, EBSCOhost, Points of View Reference Center, Timelines
- Educators Home: Professional Development INFOhio Webinars
- INFOhio Toolkit- Marshaling Arguments- Points of View
- World Book Student Research - guides students through the why and how of research