Positive Behavior Intervention Support
At Blanchester Middle School we implement a positive behavior support system to reduce disruption and negative behaviors in the school. Building wide and grade level expectations are clear and teachers consistently reward positive examples of BLUEPRIDE while discouraging negative behaviors through consistent administration of disciplinary consequences.
1. Students will have their planner with them and signed by a teacher when leaving the classroom.
- Emergencies will be handled at the teacher's discretion.
- Students may use 2 passes per day. Students may not share their planner.
2. Students will show respect to one another by:
- Keeping their hands and feet to themselves.
- Using positive language.
- Following hallway, cafeteria, restroom, and grade level expectations.
3. Students will be prepared for each class with required
- Students may use lockers between classes or by using a hall pass.
- Students will keep phones turned off and in the locker during school hours.
- Students may not carry book bags or like items except to the gym for PE.
4. Students will keep a lock on their locker at all times.
- Do NOT share YOUR combination with other students for the YOUR protection from theft.
5. Students will follow chromebook usage policies.
6th grade
1. Students will keep their hands and objects to themselves.
2. Students will be seated upon entering classroom and remain in their seats until permission is given by
the teacher to get up.
3. Students will show respect in their language and actions toward their peers.
4. Students will raise hand and wait to be called upon to speak.
5. Students will come to class with all needed supplies.
7th grade
1. Students will remain in their seats unless permission is given by the teacher to get up.
2. Students will raise their hand to contribute to classroom conversation or ask a question.
3. Students will work on and complete classroom and homework assignments as instructed by teacher.
4. Students will keep their hands to themselves at all times.
5. Students will sit down when they come in the classroom and be prepared for class
8th grade
1. Students will be in class before the bell rings.
2. Students will not have phones in class.
3. Students will be prepared for class daily. This includes pencils, paper, notebook/binder.
4. Students will demonstrate BLUEPRIDE in the classroom at all times.