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September Students of the Month

Posted on: October 1, 2019
Students of the Month

September 2019

Student of the Month

Jocelyn Lansing

6th Grade 

Jocelyn Lansing

The 6th grade student of the month is Jocelyn Lansing.  Jocelyn demonstrates Blue Pride both in and out of the classroom.  She is always positive and her smile is contagious. She takes pride in her school work.  She is always willing to help others, leads when necessary, and asks questions during discussions.  Jocelyn also represented Blanchester Middle School with excellence by demonstrating great sportsmanship at Quiz Bowl.  Jocelyn is an awesome and positive role model to her fellow classmates. Blanchester Middle School is lucky to have Jocelyn to represent out Wildcats!





Caleb Sears

7th Grade 

Caleb Sears 

Caleb is a high achieving student who consistently contributes to class discussions and excels in his work. Caleb is always willing and eager to help those around him in class that are behind or struggling. He routinely helps others get back up to speed on their notes or assignments so that they can also be successful in the classroom. Additionally, Caleb is enthusiastic about learning which helps bring excitement to the classroom.


Carolyn Koch

8th Grade

Carolyn Koch

The 8th grade Student of the Month is Carloyn Koch. Carolyn is an excellent student.  She excels in all classes. Carolyn loves to read. We have noticed (for years now) she will hold the door for every single student as they make their way out of the gymnasium and to their homeroom class each morning.  Every day in the afternoon homeroom she makes sure everyone's chromebook is plugged into the right spot and is charging correctly. She is super efficient and awesome! She is a true leader in this school and a true honor to have in class.