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The Blanchester High School Alumni Association continues to foster lifelong connections with friends and classmates while promoting and supporting the continuing education of its graduates.




Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Blanchester High School Alumni Association.




Section 1.  The object of this organization shall be as stated in the Preamble of the Constitution.

Section 2.  The Blanchester High School Alumni Association shall be absolutely non-political.

Section 3.  The Blanchester High School Alumni Association is an organization of present and past students of the Blanchester School Systems, including Edenton, Jefferson and Westboro Schools.




Section 1.  Membership in the Blanchester High School Alumni Association shall be limited to male and female students of Blanchester Schools that have attended any grade level.

Section 2.  There are no dues necessary.



Officers and Their Elections

Section 1.  Officers shall be President, Vice President. Treasurer, Secretary, Military Liaison, and Historian

Section 2.  Officers terms are volunteer, with written resignation when appropriate.  Any elections will be held at annual Alumni dinner.




 Section 1.  The Constitution may be amended at a yearly Alumni Meeting, provided membership has been notified by press, internet or other means.

Section 2. To be adopted, the proposed amendment must receive favorable action by the majority present at annual Alumni dinner.

Job Descriptions for BHS Alumni Executive Committee

 General Responsibilities of each committee member:

Main Goal: Plan and Prepare for the Annual BHS Alumni Banquet, held on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend each year, in coordination with BHS Graduation Ceremonies

  •          Promote the Mission Statement of the Blanchester High School Alumni Association:

 “The Blanchester High School Alumni Association continues to foster lifelong connections with friends and classmates while promoting and supporting the continuing education of its graduates.”

  •          Attend and participate in scheduled meetings
  •          Support BHS alumni events and programs throughout the year
  •          Maintain positive communications with school officials and fellow alumni
  •          Prepare and assist in mailing invitations to the annual Alumni Banquet
  •          Help plan and participate in the program at the Alumni Banquet
  •          Assist in setting up the room and registration table at the Alumni Banquet
  •          Get at least two donations for raffle/fund raisings at the banquet
  •          Perform other tasks as needed or assigned by President or committee
  •          Performing any other task as needed or requested by President or any other officer



  •          Schedule, plan an agenda, and lead meetings for the BHS Alumni Executive Committee
  •          Oversee Committee Assignments
  •          Communicate with committee members, School officials, and community regarding general alumni events
  •          Host/Emcee the Annual Banquet and lead the business meeting


Vice President/Membership:

  •          Oversee the transition of leadership
  •          General:

o   Preside over meetings in president’s absence

o   Oversee any committee assignments

o   Shadow president

  •   Be aware of ongoing projects and events and understand the role of the president in planning and executing these programs
  •          Communicate, monitor and manage mail address to encourage local constituents to become active in Alumni Association and try to keep current addresses
  •          Contract with caterer for the dinner at the Alumni Banquet



  •          Manage bank account
  •          Receive and record all financial receipts, credits, and debits
  •          Deposit money (banquet checks, scholarship donations, other funds)
  •          Payment of bills in a timely manner
  •          Retain receipts/keep records of all checks written
  •          Pick up mail once a month, June through March, then twice a week from April through June.
  •          Prepare the annual report for each fiscal year, beginning July 1 through June 30th.
  •          After receiving reservations and donations, record all information, including check numbers on reservations and donations
  •          Total up check amounts and make deposits in a timely manner
  •          Send Thank You notes to those who send donations
  •          Reserve tables for specific classes/decade anniversaries
  •          Man the registration table at the banquet, to confirm reservations and assist with questions
  •          Notify the president of any anomalies regarding financial information



Military Liaison:  The position is volunteer but could be voted in

  •          To actively display military appreciation at the annual Alumni Association Dinner
  •          To promote and honor our Military Alumni members, honoring all present and deceased members
  •          To display the POW/MIA dinner table setting for one
  •          At the annual banquet, read the explanation of the table. The story and picture of the table set up are attacked
  •          To encourage all Military Alumni members to sign the book with other military signatures as a form of historical record keeping. That book should be kept with the Military Liaison.
  •          Be creative in the visual support of the Military
  •          Appreciate and support all of our classmates who have served our country in the Military. All gave some and Some gave all.



  •   Keep accurate minutes of the committee business at each meeting
  •   Type and distribute/email minutes of meetings to participants
  •   Make additions or corrections to minutes as needed
  •   Correspond with School Administrators and Alumni regarding Alumni Association business
  •   Update records/database as needed, on Google Docs.
  •   Assist committee in printing and mailing invitations for Alumni Banquet in spring of each year
  •   Post articles/notices with local newspapers regarding events or announcements
  •   Acknowledge acts of assistance and kindness of others through thank you notes or other appropriate communication




  •          Keep updated records, with assistance from other committee members, of Alumni who are deceased
  •          Provide a list each year of current decedents by May 15th of each year; the list shall include any alumni who have passed away after May 15th throughout the next year.
  •          Collect and organize historical documents as necessary
  •          Prepare a “History Moment” to present at the Alumni Banquet or work in cooperation with the 50th Anniversary Class to share a special memory, no longer than 5 minutes or a short clip to print in program.

BY LAWS of the Blanchester Alumni Executive Committee



Section 1. The regular meetings of the Blanchester Alumni Executive Committee shall be the second Tuesday of each month, from February through October.

Section 2.  The annual dinner meeting shall be the last Saturday in May, the same weekend of Graduation. Memorial Day Weekend.

Section 4.  Three members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Blanchester Alumni Executive Committee. The full committee must be present for voting on major budgetary issues or impactful changes to protocol.


Duties of Officers

Section 1.  All Alumni Committee members will:  

  • Promote the Mission Statement of the Blanchester High School Alumni Association:

 “The Blanchester High School Alumni Association continues to foster lifelong connections with friends and classmates while promoting and supporting the continuing education of its graduates.”

  • Attend and participate in scheduled meetings
  • Support BHS alumni events and programs throughout the year
  • Maintain positive communications with school officials and fellow alumni
  • Prepare and assist in mailing invitations to the annual Alumni Banquet
  • Help plan and participate in the program at the Alumni Banquet
  • Assist in setting up the room and registration table at the Alumni Banquet
  • Get at least two donations for raffle/fund raisings at the banquet
  • Perform other tasks as needed or assigned by President or committee
  • Performing any other task as needed or requested by President or any other officer
  • Other duties specific to each officer are outlined in the Job Description Document




Section 1.  There are no dues for membership

 Section 2.   The President shall appoint an Auditing Committee of three members who shall audit the books of the Secretary and Treasurer, in the event of discrepancies or organizational need.

Section 3.     Each check written on the Alumni account shall be signed by two officers who have signed the signature cards with the bank. The President, Vice President, and Treasurer will each sign the signature card at the bank.   



Section 1. Officers will be elected at the Alumni Banquet on an as-needed basis. A slate of officers will be presented at the banquet and voting will take place.

Section 2.  Officers will join and leave the committee in a staggered timeline, to ensure consistency on the committee, as well as welcome new officers who will bring new ideas to the committee.


Fiscal Year

Section 1. The fiscal year shall extend from June 1 to May 31 of the following year.



Parliamentary Authority

Section 1.  The Blanchester Alumni Association shall be governed by the current issue of “Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised” on all matters to which they are applicable and not covered by this Blanchester Association’s Constitution, Bylaws, and Standing Rules.



Section 1.  These Bylaws may be amended at a meeting by two-thirds vote of the Alumni Executive Committee members.